Antonin Under the Stars


Marsovin - The Culture of Wine

Marsovin is proud to announce Antonin Under the Stars. The event will take place at the picturesque Ramla Valley Estate in Gozo on the 4th and 5th of August and promises to be a unique wine experience for all who attend. 

The event will celebrate the grape harvest for vintage 2023 and offer patrons a chance to experience the idyllic setting of the vineyard under a starlit sky.Price: A limited number of tickets are available for purchase at €55 per person incl. Vat.

What's Included: Ticket price includes entrance, optional vineyard tour between 19:00 & 20:00hrs, a wine glass to take home, food catered by Ta' Frenċ, swing and jazz music by local band Swing Nuages, and Marsovin premium wine all throughout the evening. 

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