Do you know Gianpula Village? You must have been there!


number 30 in best clubs in the world!

Gianpula village is home to Malta's best and biggest clubs. From indoor and outdoor nightclubs, sun-drenched rooftop lounges, pool clubs to festival arenas. You must have been here at least once!

Malta's Nightlife Destination, Gianpula Village, is packed with unique clubs for everyone, with over 200 events every year!

Go with Move-it

You will find enough events at Gianpula village in our calendar, also Move-it is going there every week. With them you have transport (also back) entrée ticket and a drink included for just €20

Getting to Gianpula Village 


Gianpula Village,
Gianpula Road,
Rabat, Malta

Public Transport:

The nearest bus stop is a 15-minute walk away and a night service is not operated to this area yet.Plan your journey on the Malta Public Transport website here.

Taxi Services:

A taxi pick-up and drop-off point are available in the Gianpula Village car park. 

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